Farewell to the Joe Home Opener // 10.17.2016

Hockey is finally back at the Joe for one more season! Last night the Wings hosted the Ottawa Senators for their last home opener at Joe Louis Arena which is pretty upsetting, but I know the new arena will bring just as many great memories. Before I got into details about last night game, I know I have no made a lot of post since moving to college, but I am excited to say that I am officially apart of the Winged Octopus staff (which is really not that new lol). The blog is written by and for Detroit Red Wings fans as well as Griffins and Walleye fans as well. The link will take you to the two articles I have written so far.

This year, the Wings did something a little different and had the players walk a red carpet and be able to see fans and such. I got there a couple of mins before it was supposed to start, but really did not start until 10 mins after the time. There was a lot of people and they still kept letting cars through which made it go longer and a little more difficult. If they do decide to do it again next year I would go again, but hopefully they will have a better system of running it. I have some okay pictures from it because I was in an awkward place, but I will post them all on tumblr.  

As usual I got to the same spot for warm ups which is not surprising, but this time around I had fun hanging out with Val and a couple of other writers from my other blog. While at warm ups, we actually made the Wings' Instagram and Twitter page with a picture of Petr Mrazek and us in the background. I thought it was pretty good, but nothing made my day more than reading the comments from that pictures. Literally every comment was how we were somehow these teenagers with rich parents and that we just like to sit on our phones the whole time instead of watching warm ups. Its amazing on what people come up with without knowing the story lol.

The game overall was a blast even though it was emotional knowing it was the last home opener there. The vibe there was sad during their warm up video and their tribute to the Joe throughout the years, but the Wings made it a great night. The first period went by pretty quick with goals and speed. Besides the Darren Helm goal that made it 2-0, the best part of the night was the Jonathan Ericsson and Dion Phaneuf fight that went down. Ericsson took some pretty good shots on Phaneuf which made me really happy for him because he finally did something so far this season. 

The penalties throughout the third was getting annoying, but then again what else is new. The third was exciting to watch because we were leading by two goals and I thought for sure that the Wings would do something dumb to give up a goal or something, but they did actually kept it together and were able to score two more goals in the third and giving Mike Green the hat trick he deserves. Last night will forever be one of my favorite memories at the Joe and next season's home opener will not disappoint. 

I am hoping my next post will be next Wednesday, if I go to the game next Tuesday for bobblehead night. My posting will probably be random from now on since I am buying tickets at last minute and all that stuff. Enjoy!
