Twenty One Pilots // 6-5-2016

Last night, I witness the beauty of Josh Dunn and Tyler Joseph again and they honestly never fail to disappoint. The last time I saw them was back in December is a much smaller venue which was still amazing and this time around I saw them at the Allstate Arena which was a big change, but still got the same vibe as I did last time.

This time they did the same songs as they did the last time I saw them and this time they added "Ode to Sleep," "Kitchen Sink," and "Addicted with a Pen" from the very first album. As usual Tyler moved around, but this song he literally teleported to a section near me on the other side of the Arena and it still blows my mind on how he even got over there so fast. Another thing I thought was amazing, but also funny, was when they did covers of "Twist and Shout," "My Heart Will Go On," "Love Yourself," and "Jump Around," and for two of the songs Josh started playing the trumpet during the songs even though I will a little disappointed that he didn't play the recorder for the Titanic song, but it was still pretty great. I did get video of it on my snapchat for those of you who have seen it because I could not get more than two videos on my phone due to storage. Another thing that was also pretty funny to watch was when Tyler got into a giant red hamster ball and literally rolled across the crowd.

This experience was completely difference to witness from seats since they always did smaller shows, but I still had a great time. They also had a smaller stage right in front of my section where Josh and Tyler did the older songs and the stand where Tyler stood for "Car Radio" which made me very happy because that is my favorite part of the entire show along with the whole performance of "Trees" because it is just completely crazy and just a true experience especially if people go to the pit just for that song. They put on an amazing show and they are truly outstanding performers. 

I saved some of my snapchat videos from the different songs and covers they did and I will try my best to post them on my concert insta and I also have two videos which will be at the very bottom. My next concert will be Cage the Elephant up in Milwaukee so I will probably make a post about it on Thursday. If you could not witness Twenty One Pilots this year I know they made an announcement for another tour and the Chicago show will be on Jan. 28 so hopefully I can try to get pit tickets for that show or anywhere for that matter. Enjoy!

"We're Twenty One Pilots and so are you"

